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April 2007 - Student Seung-Hui Cho shot and killed 32 people and wounded 15 others at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, before shooting himself, making it the deadliest mass shooting in the United States after 2000.


August 2007 - Three Delaware State University students were shot and killed in “execution style” by a 28-year-old and two 15-year-old boys. A fourth student was shot and stabbed.


December 2007 - A 20-year-old man killed nine people and injured five others in a shopping centre in Omaha, Nebraska.


December 2007 - A woman and her boyfriend shot dead six members of her family on Christmas Eve in Carnation, Washington.


February 2008 - A shooter who is still at large tied up and shot six women at a suburban clothing store in Chicago, leaving five of them dead and the remaining one injured.


February 2008 - A man opened fire in a lecture hall at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five students and wounding 16 others before laying down his weapon and surrendering.


Source: The Telegraph from Oct. 2 2017


    This text is from season 19 episode 15 of the Simpson, aired on March 30, 2008, makes fun of the leniency with which we treat gun control. With recent events in Las Vegas and the growing need to address the issue of gun control, I thought the text was extremely relevant right now. It shows how access to things like cigarettes and lottery tickets is more of a concern than access to guns, as Homer has a total of 4 guns that we can see and obviously finds no problem with ease of access to the guns. I actually recently saw a new piece illustrating the same idea, as the network had a “13” year old boy go in and try to buy lottery tickets and cigarettes and get rejected, yet he went to a gun show, told the person his age and bought a shot gun and bullets within minutes, no problem.
     This text is typical of the genre of television sitcoms, as it makes fun of current political climates or situations going on in the world, as 6 mass shootings occurred between Jan 1st, 2007- the air date of this episode. It is not really atypical of its genre, but as a text conveying a message it could be considered atypical as it uses a humorous situation to illustrate the point rather thanking straight forward and serious, using facts and figures to make a point. The tone is satirical and the intended audience was viewers of the show, but its consequential audience ended up being users of Tumblr and a wider audience through the internet, which is where I originally came across this as a gif. The potential implications are that America doesn’t have straight priorities in these issues because of the politics behind the issues, and pitfalls of the genre is that people don’t take the messages seriously because they aren’t portrayed in a serious manner. I also think it is ironic that Fox airs the Simpsons, as they are a heavily republican station, and this message is making fun of Republicans stance on the issue of gun control.

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